Saturday 1 September 2018

Accidental Vegan

Hello! I have finally taken the plunge and created this blog as a diary of my path to veganism.

For many years I flirted with vegetarianism, going back and forth, calling myself a five day a week vegetarian.  In June I was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy and unfortunately it affected my ability to swallow, so for at least a month, all I could eat was mashed vegetables and smooth soups.  As I was able to add foods to my diet I noticed that I had lost my taste for eggs and meat altogether.  I had been diagnosed lactose intolerant many years ago, but still ate cheese and dairy yogurt in small amounts.  Because I was relying on dairy for my protein, I was suffering with my digestion and so on.  So, I was referred to a dietician at my local hospital.  After listening to my food preferences and what I had been eating for the previous week, he stated that I was virtually a vegan and perhaps if I followed that path consciously to have a balanced diet. I was astonished as I have vegan friends and always thought that it would be hard, Lol.

So, for the last three weeks I have been strictly vegan.  I have to say I am enjoying it, my digestion has improved immensely, and I have lost weight!  As my Bells Palsy improves and can add more foods to my repertoire I will experiment with vegetables from my garden and add new foods to my diet.

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